$300 grant for kids activities if your NATIONAL GUARD soldier is... on orders longer than 90 days, and your kids are 3-18 years old! Check is out:

$300 grant for kids activities if your NATIONAL GUARD soldier is... on orders longer than 90 days, and your kids are 3-18 years old! Check is out:

Our Military Kids provides activity grants for children ages 3-18 to cover sports, fine and performing arts, camps, and tutoring programs during a parent’s National Guard or Reserve deployment or combat-injury recovery.

Check it out:

Half way through our second deployment as a family, one of the wives in the unit was wanting to get her young twins into an extracurricular activity.

Seems reasonable right?

But when you try to add that into an already tight single income family budget, it gets stressful.

Thankfully, one of the other wives casually mentioned this website, where kids ages 3-18 can apply for a grant!

Here's the current details as of August 2023:

"Our Military Kids offers grants (up to $300 per eligible child) to pay for extracurricular activities for children, ages 3-18, of deployed and stateside activated National Guard and Reserve service members, as well as those of combat-injured Veterans from any service branch.

These grants can be used to pay for a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music lessons, tutoring, and summer camp. We are unable to fund daycare fees, school tuition, or mission trips." - Our Military Kids

Check it out, and apply here.


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